About Us

House Cinemas is the fast, easy and safe way to find and purchase tickets. You can get information and buy tickets online in a few minutes.

Why use House Cinemas

  1. Choose Your Seat:

    Some performances are choose your own seat on arrival. However others are required to book online or in cinema branch. 
  2. Cash Bookings but booking online:

    We dont currently offer a credit card system. However if you book your seats online. You have confirmed your seats. All you need to do is pay cash on arrival. Total of booking is advertised on the final booking pag.
  3. Your plan has changed? Return your tickets.

    The key to getting best locations in every event, is to reserve early. But we understand that long term planning may not always work. If you purchase a ticket and find out that you cannot attend, we will be happy to refund your tickets. (See our return policy). 
  4. Don’t worry about shipping & and shipping cost:

    You can either Print or collect your tickets. Either print them from the confort of your own home. Or collect them from the Cinema up to 2 hours before the beginning of the performance. If you are printing them, please make sure you have the cash ready for when you get into the cinema. This minimises the delay to other cinema goers 
  5. Last minute tickets.

    Is it last minute? Turn up on the night, and you may get some cancelled tickets

House Cinema looks forward to seeing you soon!